Saturday, March 24, 2012

OMGPOP Details Update To Draw Something

The latest "must-have" app on the block, is without question OMGPOP's insanely addictive Draw Something. Currently it occupies the top spot in the free, and paid app sections of the Google Play Store. The developers have outlined a few pieces that will be arriving soon in a forthcoming update. 
Seems there are a variety of bugs affecting players, including crashes, problems completing turns and coins, colors and bombs not displaying, and sometimes you really need one of those bombs. The good news though, these will all be fixed when the update lands. 
But what about new features? Well, we're due a few of those as well. On the list are:
  • Sharing drawings on Twitter and Facebook
  • Save drawings to your devices' photo library
  • Notifications for Android devices
  • Increase of the max streak from 99 to 999
  • Pull down to refresh game status
  • Undo button for your last brush stroke
  • Even better performance
  • More Words
  • A slew of other fixes and tweaks

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