Samsung just announced their flagship Galaxy S5 smartphone during its press conference today at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The new Samsung Galaxy S5 features a built in heart rate sensor that enables new features in the S Health 3.0 app as well as a finger print scanner similar to Apple’s TouchID feature on the iPhone 5S. Samsung confirmed that it will be offering mobile payments with the fingerprint scanner and using it as a security feature to make content in certain apps only accessible when activated by the user’s fingerprint.
Samsung has released some feature details on the new Samsung Galaxy S5 listed below:
- 5.1 inch 1920 x 1080 FHD Super AMOLED display
- 2.5GHz Quad core processor
- Android 4.4.2 (Kitkat)
- heart rate sensor
- 16 megapixel camera, 2.1 megapixel
- fifth generation Wi-Fi 802.11ac and 2X2 MIMO
- Download Booster WiFi-LTE bonding
- Finger Scanner
- IP67 dust and water resistant
- 2800mAh battery
- 16/32GB memory (up to 64GB w/ microSD)
- dimensions: 142.0 x 72.5 x 8.1mm, 145g
- charcoal Black, shimmery White, electric Blue, and copper Gold