Apple has announced the iPhone SE, a smaller less expensive alternative to the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. The SE's defining feature is the 4-inch display, this design is very similar to that of the iPhone 5/5S.
The iPhone SE however runs on the Apple A9 chip with M9 co-processor which is the same as the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. The M9 co processor enables low energy sensor tracking and always on "Hey, Siri" functionality.
The iPhone SE has a 12-megapixel camera with focus pixels, true tone flash, and support for Live Photos. The forward facing camera has a Retina Flash for low light selfies by flashing the display. The iPhone SE includes a wide range of LTE bands for better international roaming and VoLTE and 802.11ac WiFi for quick local networking.
The iPhone SE includes Touch ID, an NFC radio with Secure Element, and Apple Pay. The iPhone SE will cost $399 (16 GB) and $499 (64 GB). Apple will begin accepting preorders for the iPhone SE March 24 the device will reach stores March 31.
Source: Apple
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