Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dragon Go! Is a Better Alternative To Siri Than Iris And Skyvi

Dragon Go! is Nuance Software's foray into the voice/information retrieval app game. You speak what you want and Dragon Go! attempts to get you there.
While not terribly more accurate at guessing what you spoke than Iris or Skyvi, Dragon Go! features Dragon Carousel, a multi-tabbed searching experience that will search among many different providers. So if your answer wasn't on one of them, you can just tap a different search tab and the result should be already available.
It does a pretty good job of guessing things you might want to do based on your search. For example, "show movie times for Nashville, TN" pops up a list of what theaters are closet to me, show times, and purchase links on Fandango. "Is it going to snow?" brings up Accuweather for the area and a Twitter feed tagged with the city I'm in. One of the interesting searches they have is "what are the planes flying overhead," which will return a Wolfram Alpha tab with a list of everything in your general area.

While not a huge leap over the competition, Dragon Go! does come out swinging with Nuance Software's Dragon Naturally Speaking engine, which seems to be a bit more accurate at picking up language than Google's search.
Dragon Go! does not currently work correctly with Ice Cream Sandwich based ROMs, but support is planned in the near future.

Download Links: Market (phone) | Market (web)

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